The Opportunties Party is about giving Kiwis the opportunity to thrive, reach their potential, and to succeed.
AFFORDABLE HOUSING & RENT The rising cost of housing is the biggest driver of poverty in New Zealand. TOP will tax housing the same as all other assets. New legislation will encourage more affordable inner-city housing and fairer rights for renters, so they can make their house a home. UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME (UBI) $250 a week for all adults, $40 for children. No conditions. A UBI removes the welfare trap, rewards all work (including unpaid), encourages training, and supports businesses. With a UBI and flat tax of 33%, you’ll effectively pay no tax until you earn over $39k. CLIMATE FRIENDLY RECOVERY We'll improve water quality, internet, and the energy efficiency of our homes and businesses. This will save money and reduce emissions. SMART SMALL BUSINESS TOP will abolish provisional tax for small business and remove FBT on low emission vehicles. We'll provide $10K grants for small businesses to move towards digital tech, energy and resource efficiency. We'll rein in big business, making sure they pay on time.
Three top priorities for young people from Ōtautahi
CLIMATE FRIENDLY RECOVERY TOP’s climate-friendly recovery is about investing in the future. The priority for reducing emissions should be transport - remove fringe benefit tax off low emission vehicles and invest in public and active transport. TOP wants to see eroding land plated in native trees, not blanket the country in pines. Make polluters pay. Reward clean and clever business. Resolve Maori water rights so we can have a rational way of managing our fresh water. Commercial water users should pay (including bottlers). Help farmers transition to an environmentally friendly approach.
AFFORDABLE HOUSING We have the highest house prices in the world, our high rents are the leading cause of poverty. Housing is a human right. Each year housing prices sky rocket and wages barely rise. We should not expect small business to subsidize an out of control housing market by continuously increasing minimum wage. We can implement a UBI which will bring everybody above living wage at Govt. expense.
COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH SUPPORT Access to community mental health supports without having to face barriers within the health system. Implement a preventative health approach to mental health.
Three priorities to address inequity in education
Address intergenerational poverty which sets back children before they even start school.
Give disability groups say in how education will work for them.
Less testing in school and more teaching. Supporting teachers to better work with the students that need extra assistance.
Three priorities to address inequity in healthcare
Give Maori and Pasifika communities Hapu and Iwi Governance over their own healthcare.
Increase availability of community support services and organisations.
Free dental to struggling kiwis and $10 GP visits.
Three priorities to address high youth suicide rates
Addressing social determinants in mental illness, such as living/housing situations and poverty.
Create barrier-less access to community supports so people can engage in community groups to build a sense of belonging and identity, rather than having no help until crisis.
Give young people in marginalized communities an active say in how they can contribute to our society.
Three priorities to address mental health issues
Addressing social determinants in mental illness, such as living/housing situations and poverty.
Create barrier-less access to community supports so people can engage in community groups to build a sense of belonging and identity, rather than having no help until crisis.
Give young people in marginalised communities an active say in how they can contribute to our society.
Three priorities to address climate change
Plant natives in erosion prone land instead of pines.
Focus on medium density living, which will reduce urban sprawl and transport emissions.
Support Farmers in cleaning up waterways and balancing emissions.
Three priorities to address racism in Aotearoa
Honour Te Tiriti.
Have Maori represented by 50% share in an upper house of Government.
Give Maori fair representation of their own world view in communities.
Three priorities to address child and youth poverty
Implementing a UBI. $250 per person per week. $40 per child per week.
Stabilise rising house costs. High house prices = high rents.
Treat drug use as a health issue, which will lead to better support to those battling addiction to break free and have more time and money for their families.
Three priorities to address and support youth employment
Small business support to engage with tertiary education providers in developing tech and work skills together which will create more employment opportunities.
Removing abatement rates from current benefit if a UBI is implemented.
Ensure we are moving along with automation and thinking ahead in terms of training for a future based workforce.
Three priorities to support the pacific nations
Increase Refugee Quota. Especially as we are going to see an increase of Climate Refugee's from the Pacific Islands.
What are three things your party will do to ensure that young people engaging with politicians will be safe?
Civics education at a young age.
Lower voting age.
Listening to what they have to say. Via Citizens Assemblies.